English/Urdu Idioms (محاور ے ۔ کہاوتیں ۔ ضرب المثل)

Urdu-Muhavare-Kahawatain-(Proverbs and Phrases)

Urdu Proverbs With their meanings: We have collection of Urdu Proverbs With their meanings for learning. It is the best learning material for you. These proverbs are best learning tools for students to prepare themselves for upcoming exams. As these proverbs are the part of many upcoming exams. It is advisable to learn these proverbs for exams. As Urdu does not have much longer history, it has the ability to absorb many words from other languages of the world. Urdu Muhavare Kahawatain and Idioms were added in the language as the time progressed. Most of these Urdu Proverbs have a relation with a certain instance and happening and then became popular as saying. This post shares some of the commonly spoken idioms and phrases in Urdu language.

Please click read more tab to view Urdu Proverbs With their meanings. Like English idioms Urdu idioms also have a totally different apparent meaning. So it sometimes becomes very difficult to grasp the true meaning and concept of spoken sentences. Urdu Muhavare Kahawatain are usually called as Zarbul Imsaal. Given below is list of hundreds of Urdu idioms and phrases along with their meaning in Urdu language.

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