
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The-Autobiography-of-Benjamin-FranklinThe Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin:

The traditional name for the unfinished record of The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin own life was written by Benjamin Franklin from 1771 to 1790. After the death of Benjamin Franklin his one of the most famous and influential examples of  an ever written Autobiography.

Table of Content:

  1. Ancestry and Early Life in Boston
  2. Beginning Life as a Printer
  3. Arrival in Philadelphia
  4. First Visit to Boston
  5. Early Friends in Philadelphia
  6. First Visit to London
  7. Beginning Business in Philadelphia
  8. Business Success and First Public Service
  9. Plan for Attaining Moral Perfection
  10. Poor Richard’s Almanac and Other Activities
  11. Interest in Public Affairs
  12. Defense of the Province
  13. Public Services and Duties
  14. Albany Plan of Union
  15. Quarrels with the Proprietary Governors
  16. Braddock’s Expedition
  17. Franklin’s Defense of the Frontier
  18. Scientific Experiments
  19. Agent of Pennsylvania in London

Part One: Part one of the Book The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is addressed to Franklin’s son William.

Part Two:Second part is about the two letters which Franklin received when he was in Paris which encouraged him to continue the Autobiography, of which both correspondents have read Part One.

Part Three: At the start of August 1788 when the author of the book Autobiography Franklin returned to Philadelphia, he said that he was unable to utilize all his papers because so many were lost in Revolutionary War. He has, however, found and quotes a couple of his writings from the 1730s that survived.

Part Four: This section was written between 1789 to 1790 as his date of death was April 17, 1790, this section was very brief. You can download this book by clicking from Google book store..

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